

The daddy of all basses



Nobody steals your Thunder.

The first pickup Chris Kinman made way back in in the mid 60's was a Precision style pickup, and he went on to design and manufacture several different kinds of Bass pickups for his own hand crafted instruments.  Later he turned his attention to guitar pickups and neglected bass.  Now, after all these years, at long last, Kinman pickups for Precision and Jazz Bass are now available.  But why have Kinman hum-cancelling bass pickups been so long coming?

Well, we felt that bass pickups have special requirements which are not well served by our previous technologies which were developed for guitar.  With recent technological advancements here at Kinman we now have what it takes to make great sounding Zero-Hum SINGLE COIL (noiseless) Bass pickups without resorting to active electronics, so "look Ma .... no batteries".  We held back for years until we got it right.  And ,,,,, you won't need a Glockenklang or any other Eq preamp or even Series switching to get these sounds!

Kinman Bass pickups install into Fender and similar Basses without modification.  The original wiring and pots can be used.

Especially engineered for a perfect match, PJ Sets available in the 'Mixed Sets' Order Channel