Taming trebles in bridge pickups

Taming razor sharp trebles in bridge pickups     April-2020

We felt the bridge pickup for Jazzmasters, Nasty 90 & 580, Texas Jalapeno Strat, PAF Astound and Twang-Bucker were too bright and not loud enough to easily balance with the neck pickup.  And so we set about solving the problem and what Boss Chris came up with is the EXTRA bridge versions.  The EXTRA has far more output but the trebles have been tempered without impacting on the dynamic feel of the pickup.

So now you can have your bridge pickup and use it too because it balances with the neck and is not excessively bright.

Matched sets are as follows:

Neck                     Bridge                 

JazzMaster          JazzMaster Extra

Nasty 90               Nasty 90 Extra

Texas Jalapeno    Texas Jalapeno Extra

P.A.F Plus            P.A.F Astound v2

Twang-Bucker     Twang-Bucker Whopper