Durable Black Humbucker Covers -now available

Several customers asked us for Black humbucker covers and since we recently started making our own covers we accepted the challenge. 

We want a tough good looking finish that is easy to keep clean and is durable so it lasts for years.  We tried painting, nice feel, nice look but the paint didn't stick too well and wasn't as durable as we want.  Next we tried the Black Zinc that we use on our Magnetic Shields, it didn't like Nickel-Silver so that was off the list.  We looked at DLC (diamond like coating), the temperature it requires distorted the shape of the cover so that was no good either.

Over the course of 2 months we looked at lots of different coatings and then one day a Rep from a local firm that we had not previously heard about called on us to see if there was anything they could do for us.  We showed him a cover and explained the specifications we were looking for.  He took 2 sample covers to try and came back with exactly what we had been looking far and wide for, and it was right on our doorstep all the time.

Our new Durable Black humbucker covers are matte black, feel nice, don't show finger marks ...... they're tough and durable and best of all, they don't scratch easily and they are easy to keep clean.  One more thing, they have absolutely no effect on the sound the pickups put out.  In short, it's the perfect Black finish and here is what they look like ...

The fabulous P90-Bucker

P.A.F Astound

P.A.F Plus


Two in One (Telecaster and Humbucker)